Hello everyone!
I'm finally back with the promised update!

First of all hows everyone doing? I still have some problems with recovering from
my surgery. I had a check up this week and it seems I'm not really healing yet. I got prescribed something and was told to
wait another month so fingers crossed I'm starting to heal soon. But besides that and a little pain I'm doing well. In my freetime during the past week I mainly
focused on finishing the update for ARW. Soo, what did I bring today?
As you can see ARW has a new layout!

Tbh I wanted to trash it at first because I felt like it
was too plain compared to the last layouts. But after coding it I really started to like it. I wanted to create something timeless again
and I think in some way you can call flowers timeless but it has some valentine's day vibes.

I saw the png of that girl on
and really wanted to use it.

Does anyone know if she is from a specific anime?
Although not much has happened here in the past year we are also celebrating ARWs 3rd birthday with a new anniversary graphic on the
intro page.

I'm also happy that I finally managed to finish the ocean pixel set. My favourites
are the dolphin and the orca. I didn't think they would turn out half as decent.

Here's an overview of all updates:
- 3 Icon textures
- 1 Free layout
- 10 Images
- 1 Texture
- Finished ocean theme pixel set (7 items)
- Updated some pages
- New anniversary graphic
- New layout
I hope everyone likes the new updates.

I wish you all a lovely weekend!
Kind regards, Ran