Hello everyone!

I hope you had a good start into the new year! For me the year started rather uneventful besides some stuff at work and that the forms on all my sites stopped working. I didn't notice until someone from TAFL messaged me that my sceptile fanlisting had no join form. So I started to look for a new form service. While talking about the issue to a friend he mentioned that I could ask AI for help with a PHP code for my own forms. Since I have no clue about PHP, and after reocurring errors with sites who offer free forms, I decided to give it a try. And that sh*t almost made me flip my desk. I learned that AI can help you with codes, but not entirely write the code for you. But while trying to adapt the code to the multiple forms on my sites I got at least a little bit of understanding for PHP codes. Will I try to implement other things with PHP? Probably not, but having my own forms is a huge step and I'm happy that I'm not dependant on unreliable free form services anymore.
Linco on the other hand will be offline for a while. I never received any requests to join the collective since it opened which is probably because the site had form issues multipe times and because I never really advertised the site anywhere. So I'm taking my time now with fixing the forms there and will reopen the site if/when I have the motivation to work on more traffic.
ARW had it's 4th anniversary last october. I was busy with renovating our house in autumn but I finally created an anniversary graphic now. I've recently been into Dungeons & Dragons, thus the dragon theme for the graphic. I've been watching some D&D stuff on youtube and thought about creating my own character and writing a story about it. Maybe even create a D&D story website. But I don't know if I will have the time for that. Maybe I'll start something offline and then put everything online somewhere on my blog later on.
Here is an overview of today's update:
- Updated some text
- New anniversary graphic
- Added 3 icons
- Added 4 icon textures
I have to continue with the renovation of our house soon but I hope I will find time for more frequent uptades. We will see. I wish you a great week and take care everyone!
Until then,