Hello and Happy Easter everyone!

Here I am with my last minute easter update.

A lot has happened in March
which left me quite uncreative. Whenever I wanted to continue with my easter pixel set and sat in front of
my computer I just couldn't do it. But now that I have some days off from work because of the holidays, I
had some time to relax and get creative again. Due to the circumstances the pixel set didn't turn out as
large as the other ones, but maybe I will add more to the set next year. I'm not sure if anyone will have
a use for the pixels now that it's already easter, but I hope you enjoy them anyway.

Here's an overview of what has been added in March / today:
- Easter pixel set (10 items)
- 1 Layout (new layouts are at the bottom of the "layouts"-site)
A few of the pixels and the layout were uploaded a few weeks ago when I had finished them, so some of them might
not be new to you. But there was no update post for them until now.
For this pixel set I tried to think about things that scream "easter" for me. In case anyone wonders what my inspiration for the chicken was:

These cheap decorational chickens. My family used to use these for our easter nests when I was little.
I think the pixel chicken turned out cuter than the originals though.

Now I have some other awesome news to share:
ARW has a new domain!
I would be happy if all affies could update the link. My other websites have new subdomains too. I updated the links on the intro page.
I also have a new mail address now. If we had contact via mail before
please don't send mails to my old mail address anymore. My new mail address is:ran@a-random-website.net
That's everything for today. I wish you all happy holidays and nice spring weather!

Sincerely, Ran