Archive - Page 6

Hello everyone! Got new uploads! :)

- 2 icons
- 9 icon textures
- 1 texture
- 1 layout

I also added the affiliates to the layout. Since many sites link them on their layout where they are visible at any time I thought it's only fair if I do that too.
I would like to mention my two new cute affiliates Snow Drops and Sleety as well. Visit their sites!

That's all for today. I'm very tired and will go to bed now.

Good night, your random webmiss :)
posted on Sunday, 22nd November 2020 comment?

Good evening everyone! Today I have a huge update for you. You surely already noticed the new layout. ;) As planned it's a divider type layout this time which looks a little more accurate on mobile devices. Aaand we also have someone on the header: the girl is my Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet character. What bothers me is that she doesn't have her "natural" hair colour there. The effect made her hair a lot darker and more red than it really is. You can see the original hair colour on my icon on the left. But I thought the effect that I added to the header gave it a cooler atmosphere. It looks like she just won a battle during night time and the "particles" of that person are flying around. If you watched the Anime Sword Art Online you probably know what I mean. :) I think the bullet that I pixeled for the seperation-line also looks a bit funny... *cough* oh well. But the colours remind me of Ren from Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online.
What else is new?
- Added an "About" page with information about the website and me
- Added new resource categories "icon textures" and "textures"
- Uploaded 4 icon textures
- Uploaded 2 textures
- Added 2 more buttons in "link exchange" which can be used to link my website
- Split the "photography" page into two for faster loading
Since I create most of the textures that I use myself anyway I thought I might as well upload some of them here. :) I would also like to mention the first affiliate: Heartbliss. Thanks for the request!

That's everything for today. I hope you all like the update.

Best regards, the webmiss
posted on Sunday, 8th November 2020 comment?

Hello everyone! I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Halloween! Unfortunately we can't have Halloween parties today because of the whole COVID19 situation, but I'm trying to make the best out of it. I decorated my home Halloween-like and listen to some spooky music. To celebrate this day I uploaded the first free layout. I hope you like it. I'm totally in love with it. Okay I think I'll check out what Animal Crossing New Horizons has to offer today now.

Have a spooky evening! Best regards, the webmiss
posted on Saturday, 31st October 2020 comment?

Hello everyone! I just noticed that the current layout is not compatible with mobile devices. I'm no professional at website coding, but it seems the problem is caused by the table commands. I tried to find a solution for that but I couldn't find one. I will keep the layout how it is till the Halloween season is over and try a divider type layout next as these seem to be less problematic.

Have a nice day! Best regards, the webmiss
posted on Tuesday, 27th October 2020 comment?

Hello and welcome to my little website which just went online today! Starting here with a nice and simple Halloween themed layout. It was my first time making a table layout, the code is probably a mess. But I think the outcome doesn't look too bad. I kept it simple on purpose for starters. We will see what the next layouts will be like. I might do something more elaborate at some point. This website is going to be a creative outlet for me. I used to do a lot of creative things like webdesign about a decade ago and would like to get back to it because it is a passion of mine. The reason I stopped being creative was because I entered worklife which resulted in me having not enough energy left for that. But I'm trying to find some time and energy for that now because I really missed doing something creative. I already filled a few pages with some graphics. Here's what can be found so far:
- 3 Icons
- Halloween themed pixel set (10 items)
- 16 photos
You might notice that I'm trying to use as many self-made recources as possible. For example all graphics you can find here so far are made with photos that were taken by me. I'm not sure if I will stick to that though, because unfortunately I still don't have much time and don't know if I can take new photos etc. very often. I also have a passion for anime and would love to make some anime related graphics. We will see what the time brings.

Best regards, the webmiss
posted on Sunday, 25th October 2020 comment?

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